Ada small gathering sempena birthday Dikna di KFC, Jusco Balakong petang tadi. Kali ni aku biarkan gambar menjadi pencerita ye..

the bestfriend - Dikna &
the comel..!! *hug&kisses

the neighbour

the pengantin baru

the gossiping time
Owh.. there's no pic of cheAh, Nad & Julie lah kali ni..tak sempat nak snap their photos. Busy gossiping ... haha!
Salam kasih.
mak aih.. tekanan nye ngn caption tuh! ehehehe..
btw, d bday gal looks gorgeous! (eh, cam kenal ayat gorgeous neh.. ehehe!) mekacih la ajak kami.. nx year buat lg ek. kot rasa cam nak cepat lg buat ms bday Miss B. ehehehe! tp rasa tak terlawan hadiah setroli itu!
missB darling
dikna gorgeous? tengoklah saper kakak dia.. ekekeke.. tima kasih sebab sudi datang ye..
she really love the gift. boleh jadi baju for next raya.. :-)
hands down, d gorgeous genes run in d family >.<
btw, ms beli mmg dh aim for bj raya. bagus la tuh.. ehehehe
miss b,
nanti wa belanja makan. hahahahaha
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